As I was sitting today working on a chain in the smallest size of ring possible my thoughts went way back into the past, trying to remember where my love of beads stems from. And I did remember! I was either 5 or 6 years old when I was given a most exciting Christmas gift. It was a box of tubular beads, same length and width, in opaque glass. There was no plastic in those days!!! They came with a set of instructions how to make different shapes of doilies, diagrams and needle and thread. This was indeed a most wonderful gift. Forgetting everything else I proceeded right then and there on Christmas Eve(that's when Santa brought our gifts) to start on the first project which was a star shaped placemat or doily.
In those days our kitchen was what was called a living kitchen. All the family's activities took place there for the simple reason that it was the warmest room in the house as well as the largest! So I opened my box of beads on the large kitchen table, spread them all out just to admire the colours, threaded my needle and got the first segment underway. Then what: grandma came to announce dinner time and I sadly had to pack up again. But eventually I completed my doily, even though I remember that passing the thread back and forth was not that easy!
I think this is where my love of beads stems from. What about you? How did you start? I would love to hear your own fond memories.
I came to beads backwards. I started collecting antique jewelry and then old diamonds. Later I started setting gemstones which was followed by wire wrapping and finally beads to accent my wire wrapped pendents. All backwards, but just my adventure.
ps. love the Silver and Turquoise 4in1